Screenshots and photographs of NetBSD
Various screenshots and photos of NetBSD from users and developers:
![[Small NetBSD ARM server]](./jklos-tegra-server-rpi-thumb.jpg)
A small NetBSD/evbarm server based on a NVIDIA Jetson TK1 with a Raspberry Pi providing a serial console for remote monitoring, from John Klos.
![[NetBSD on a Pinebook]](./jmcneill-pinebook-thumb.jpg)
NetBSD running on a Pinebook, a small nifty AArch64 laptop, with a MATE desktop, from Jared McNeill.
![[John Klos's rack]](./jklos-rack-thumb.jpg)
Various rackmounted servers running NetBSD (and a heavily modified Amiga and VAXstation masquerading as servers), from John Klos. These have been used to provide NetBSD package builds for more niche architectures, such as sparc64, m68k, and alpha.
![[NetBSD ctwm desktop on a RPI3]](./juvenalurbino-ctwm-rpi-thumb.png)
A minimal ctwm(1) graphical environment on a Raspberry Pi 3, from JuvenalUrbino.
![[NetBSD ctwm desktop on a RPI3]](./tsutsuii-zaurus-thumb.jpg)
Various Sharp Zaurus handheld computers running NetBSD with JWM, from tsutsuii.