"archivers" ディレクトリー
このディレクトリに含まれる 85 パッケージの一行コメント:
9e-1.0: Explode Plan9 archives | |
advancecomp-1.15: Recompression utilities for .zip, .png, .mng and .gz files | |
afio-2.5nb1: cpio-format archive creator with data corruption handling | |
arc-5.21o: Create \& extract files from DOS .ARC files | |
archangel-20050730nb1: Compressing archiver which can sign and encrypt entries | |
arj-3.10.22: Open-source ARJ archiver | |
bicom-1.01nb2: Data compressor in the PPM family | |
bsdtar-2.5.4b: Fast multi-format tape archiver | |
bunzip-0.21: bzip .bz ファイルを伸長する | |
bzip2-1.0.5: ブロックソートを用いたファイルを圧縮する | |
cabextract-1.2: Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) file extractor | |
dact-0.8.41: Dynamic adaptive compression tool | |
dar-2.3.6nb1: Disk archiver | |
fastjar-0.93nb3: C language version of the 'jar' archiver normally used by Java | |
fcrackzip-0.3: Zip password cracker | |
file-roller-2.22.3: Front-end to archiving programs like tar and zip | |
freeze-2.5nb2: FREEZE / MELT compression program - often used in QNX | |
gcpio-2.6nb5: リモート磁気テープ(rmt)対応 GNU cpio | |
gsharutils-4.2.1nb10: Allow packing and unpacking of shell archives | |
gtar-1.20: リモート磁気テープ(rmt)対応 GNU テープアーカイバ(tar) | |
gtar-base-1.20: リモート磁気テープ(rmt)対応 GNU テープアーカイバ(tar) | |
gtar-info-1.20: GNU テープアーカイバのInfoフォーマットドキュメント | |
gzip-1.3.12nb1: GZIP圧縮ユーティリティ用メタパッケージ | |
gzrecover-0.5: GZip Recovery Toolkit | |
ha-0.999bnb1: The HA archiver using the HSC compression method | |
hpack-0.79nb2: Multi-System Archiver with open keys PGP-based security | |
jamjar-0.7.1: Acunia version of the jar archiver | |
lbrate-1.1nb1: Extract/decompress CP/M LBR archives | |
lcab-1.0b10: Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) file creator | |
lha-114.9nb3: Archive files using LZW compression (.lzh files) | |
libarchive-2.5.4b: Library to read/create different archive formats | |
libcomprex-0.3.3nb3: Library to handle (de)compression of files | |
liblzo-1.08nb1: ANSI Cで書かれた移植しやすいデーター損失のない圧縮ライブラリー | |
libzip-0.8: C library to manipulate zip archives | |
lzma-4.43: LZMA compression utility from 7zip | |
lzo-2.03: Portable lossless data compression library | |
lzop-1.01nb1: LZOライブラリーを使ったgzipに似た高速ファイル圧縮ツール | |
macutil-2.0b3: Create \& extract Mac archive files | |
makeself-2.1.4: Neat script to make self-extracting archives | |
mousetar-20021217: der Mouse's version of tar program | |
mscompress-0.3: Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor | |
nomarch-1.4: Free replacement for the arc program | |
nulib2-2.0.3: Handles Apple II ShrinkIt (NuFX) file/disk archives | |
p5-Archive-Tar-1.38: Perl5 module interface to manipulate tar files | |
p5-Archive-Zip-1.23: Perl5 module interface to manipulate zip files | |
p5-Compress-Bzip2-2.09: Perl5 interface to bzip2 compression library | |
p7zip-4.57: File archiver with high compression | |
par2-0.4: Create or use PAR2 parity volumes | |
pax-20080110: POSIX standard archiver with many extensions | |
pbzip2-1.0.2: Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor | |
pdbar-0.5.1: Palm database archiver | |
php5-bz2-5.2.6: PHP extension for bzip2 compression | |
php5-zip- PHP extension for ZIP archive handling | |
php5-zlib-5.2.6nb1: PHP extension for zlib compression | |
ppmd-9.1: PPM file compressor | |
ppunpack-1.0: Amiga PowerPacker ファイルの伸長 | |
rar-2.02nb1: RAR file archiver (binary) | |
rox-archive-2.0nb1: Simple archiver | |
ruby18-archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2: Pure Ruby library for handling POSIX tar archives | |
ruby18-zip-0.9.1nb1: Ruby module for reading and writing zip files | |
rzip-2.1: Create or extract .rz files, like gzip but smaller | |
sarab-0.2.4: Schedule And Rotate Automatic Backups | |
squsq-3.3: CP/M Squeeze ファイルの圧縮、伸長 | |
star-1.4.3nb4: The fastest tar like archiver for UNIX | |
stuffit- Stuffit Archive Creator and Expander | |
szip-2.0: Extended-Rice lossless compression | |
torrentzip-0.2: Create identical zip archives from identical files | |
unace-1.2.2nb2: Extract, list and test files in ACE archives | |
unace-bin-2.50: Extract, list and test files in ACE archives (Linux binary) | |
unalz-0.61: Alzip archive (.alz) extractor | |
unarj-2.65nb1: Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives | |
undms-1.3: Amigaの .dms ディスクイメージ から 伸長された .adf イメージへの変換 | |
unlzx-1.1: Amigaの .lzx アーカイブからファイルを展開する | |
unrar-3.7.8: Extract, view \& test RAR archives | |
unshield-0.5.1: Extract InstallShield .CAB files | |
unzip-5.52nb4: List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive | |
unzoo-4.4: Extract zoo archives | |
upx-1.25nb1: Ultimate packer for executables | |
xbin-2.3: Convert mailable BinHex format into binary | |
xmill-0.9.1nb3: Specialized compressor for XML | |
xpk-0.1.4nb1: The eXternal PacKer (XPK) library system | |
zip-2.32: Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip | |
zip1-1.1nb2: pkzipバージョン1 と互換性のある ZIP ファイルを作成、更新する | |
zoo-2.10.1nb3: Manipulate archives of files in compressed form | |
zziplib-0.10.82nb3: Library for ZIP archive handling |