"filesystems" ディレクトリー
File systems, and file system related packages
このディレクトリに含まれる 23 パッケージの一行コメント:
fuse-2.5.2: Filesystem in Userspace | |
fuse-afpfs-ng-0.8: FUSE filesystem for network mounting using AFP | |
fuse-archivemount-0.5.3nb1: FUSE gateway to libarchive | |
fuse-cddfs-0.2: FUSE filesystem that uses libparanoia for audio CDs | |
fuse-chironfs-1.0RC9: Replicating file system | |
fuse-cryptofs-0.6.0: FUSE encrypted filesystem | |
fuse-curlftpfs-0.9.1: FUSE filesystem for acessing FTP hosts | |
fuse-djmount-0.71: FUSE filesystem for accessing Media Server content via UPnP | |
fuse-encfs-1.2.0-2nb1: FUSE Encrypted Filesystem | |
fuse-gmailfs-0.7.2: FUSE filesystem which uses Google mail for free space | |
fuse-gphotofs-0.4.0: FUSE filesystem for accessing digital cameras | |
fuse-httpfs- FUSE HTTP filesystem | |
fuse-loggedfs-0.4: FUSE file system which logs all operations | |
fuse-lzofs-20060306: Filesystem which allows you to use transparently compressed files | |
fuse-ntfs-3g-1.1120: NTFS driver for Linux/FreeBSD/NetBSD with read and write support | |
fuse-obexfs-0.8: FUSE based filesystem using ObexFTP | |
fuse-pod-0.5.1: FUSE-based filesystem for iPod | |
svnfs-0.4nb2: FUSE filesystem for accessing SVN repositories | |
fuse-unionfs-0.17: FUSE-based union filesystem | |
fuse-wdfs-1.4.2nb1: FUSE-based webdav filesystem | |
fuse-wikipediafs-0.3: FUSE filesystem for accessing the wikipedia | |
py24-fuse-bindings-0.2pre1: Python bindings for FUSE and refuse | |
u9fs-2.0.3: Unix file server using the 9P protocol |