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The madcap whom quadrivium

Spamhaus tracks the Internet's Spammers, Spam Gangs and Spam Services, provides dependable
realtime anti-spam protection for Internet networks, and works with Law Enforcement to identify
and pursue spammers worldwide.

The SBL database is maintained by a dedicated international Spamhaus team based in 9 countries,
working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to list new confirmed spam issues and - just as
importantly - to delist resolved issues.

The Spamhaus Exploits Block List (XBL) is a realtime database of IP addresses of illegal 3rd party exploits,
including open proxies (HTTP, socks, AnalogX, wingate, etc), worms/viruses with built-in spam engines,
and other types of trojan-horse exploits.

The Exploits Block List can be used by all modern mail servers, by setting your mail server's anti-spam
DNSBL feature (sometimes called "Blacklist DNS Servers" or "RBL servers") to query xbl.spamhaus.org.
Use of the XBL is free for users with normal mail servers (but networks with high email traffic should see DataFeed).

You can get MUCH MORE if you contact us:

The Spamhaus Project Ltd. 50 Churchill Square, Suite 6, Kings Hill, West Malling ME19 4YU United Kingdom, Tel (+44) 0845 226 0208