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Re: Booting on a Phillips Nino

 > Hi,
 > Please excuse my use of English rather than Japenese but I have been followi
 > ng the list for a while and wondered if anyone had tried to boot the system
 > on a Phillips Nino? My problem at the moment is that the Nino gives a 'Can't
 > allocate heap' error when trying to boot which I think is due to it's core m
 > emory of only 4Mb (I have 64Mb in a storage card)

Have you tried memory settings? If haven't, please refer
"Adjusting Memory Settings" on http://linux-vr.org/booting.html

If you had tried and got the error, you should modify the
kernel configration file and recompile to make the kernel small.
And you can't use a kernel which is for installation. It's too
big for your machine because of memory disk image in it.
