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Rumo-r N'e,w_s.: 
On,co,logy M'e'd.. I_n*c,.  (O_TC: ONC-O) a Cance+r Tre_atm,ent S,olu'tions Grou,p is s_a-i_d to h a,v+e 
exp.erienc_ed o'v+e_r a 100-0% inc_r*ease in re ve+nues f_o-r t_h+e fi scal 3-r.d qu arter en ding J+u*l+y,, 
2 0.0,7 c-om,pared w_i-t+h t,h*e prio+r y.e a'r whil,e fi,scal four.th qua+rter resul.ts f,o.r 2_0.0'7 a'r*e on
tr,ack to exc,eed t_h i+s y,earÃÔ thi.rd q,uarter res'ults. 

O*N.C O a+ddit ionally plan's to in+ crease ser vice o_ffer+ings whic.h a,r,e curren+,tly und-e+rway. 
Don.ÃÕ w+a'i*t f,o+r t,h_e n'e,w*s to c.o'm_e o u+t a'n'd l o s e t+h-e oppor-tunit y to g-e't in f+ront of the
g'eneral inv.'esting publ_ic.  O+n+cology M.e_d is in a multibil*l.ion d-ollar in,du,stry w.h.e'r+e 
t.h+e'y a.r,e g aining marke-t shar*e r.apidly. 

C.a.l_l y+o'u*r bro*ker n+o.w f'o'r O+N_C*O_.