- Subject: What kernel for NetBSD on a PowerBook Firewire?
- From: Matteo Salsilli <macinteo@yahoo.com>
- To: makoto@ki.nu
- Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2001 14:48:17 +0100
- Message-Id: <a05010400b6c40012b577@[]>
Hi, i am from Italy, trying to install NetBSD on my Powerbook Firewire.
After looking at your pages, and installing the adb-patched kernel, i
was able to give commands from the keyboard, and succeded installing
Now i am still in trouble, because (after installation) i cannot boot
: cannot use the kernel that is on the BSD site, for it has no adb
patch, and so the kbd is useless; and i cannot use the install
kernel, because it is useful just for the installation.
I tried the one found in
but it does not catch the adb kbd.
Can you help me? What kernel could i use to boot in BSD?
PS. just to let you know, currently, my disk is 6GB total space with
the following:
100MB of / partition
394 of swap (having 192MB RAM)
2GB of /usr partition
3GB+ of MacOS partition
The software said "Windows95 or BETTER". So i bought a Mac.
Matteo Salsilli
Via Molinari, 8
33170 Pordenone PN
tel : (+39) 0434 27204
mail: macinteo@yahoo.com
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