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Re: w3m-m17n

oratosquilla % pkg_info -c pkglint
Information for pkglint-3.21:

Verifier for NetBSD packages and complete pkgsrc tree

oratosquilla % pkglint
OK: checking Makefile.
OK: including ./../../security/openssl/buildlink.mk
OK: including ./../../security/openssl/../../security/rsaref/buildlink.mk
OK: including ./../../devel/boehm-gc/buildlink.mk
WARN: possible use of absolute pathname "/usr/include/openssl...", in Makefile.
WARN: possible use of absolute pathname "/usr", in Makefile.
WARN: possible use of absolute pathname "/usr", in Makefile.
WARN: possible use of absolute pathname "/etc/openssl/certs", in Makefile.
WARN: "BUILD_DEPENDS" has to appear earlier in Makefile.
WARN: "DEPENDS" has to appear earlier in Makefile.
OK: checking ./PLIST.
OK: checking ./DESCR.
OK: checking patches/patch-ab.
OK: checking distinfo.
0 fatal errors and 6 warnings found.

↑こんな感じです。WARN はすべて .include された buildlink.mk 由来だと


Masao Uebayashi <uebayasi@soum.co.jp>